It’s time to take your balcony to the next level

Do you own a beautiful balcony? Now let’s make it even better and take it to the next level. Though most of the people often overlook the touch of appeal a beautifully decorated or designed balcony could add to their home, it is worth investing some amount of your time, money and energy.

To help you save your precious time, here are a few tips that will help you improve the look and area of your balcony, turning it into a relaxing and refreshing place.

Go green
If you want a smart and fun way to make your balcony eye-catching, adding greenery is a fantastic idea. For this you can use both artificial and real plants that look equally nice and green. Also, you can use an artificial green carpet for a better look. Moreover, using designer flower pots for making your balcony alluring is also an awesome idea.

Do not ignore the floor
When in your balcony, do not forget to look down. The floor should be equally appealing when looked down. For this, as stated earlier, artificial green carpets can be used. Though plastic and faux-wood tiles can also be used, it will become hazard during winter season due to slippery material. A stylish rug too can be used with fun bold patterns for a more pleasing look.

Use flexible furniture
Balconies usually have limited spaces. Therefore, it is better to make the most out of the limited space available, using small and flexible furniture. You should look for items that can provide more space and modular pieces that can be moved will be great. To generate more space out the limited area, you can hand your flower pots outside. This will generate space, giving your balcony a new look altogether.

There are some other tips such as creating a supporting structure for the climbing plants, arranging a shelf for the pots, decorating the balcony area with lights etc. that can make your balcony look better.

You can try these tips and let us know whether they worked for you. Also, if you too have some other tips, do share them with us.

What are the keys to better growth of your container garden?

So you’ve decided on the plants you want to grow in your garden. Great! Now it’s time to consider what you should provide those plants in the garden pots and planters for their better growth. Of course they need air, water and sunlight, but are they enough? Certainly not.  Here we’ve a list of certain other important things that are the keys to successful container gardening.

To ensure proper growth of your plants, it is necessary that you choose the right pots and planters. For this, it is always a wise move to pick the plants first and then decide on the containers. Make sure that the pots or containers you choose can accommodate healthy growth of your plants.

Potting Mix
Garden soil may contain pests, weed seeds and other critters that can possibly harm you plants in the containers. This is why potting mix is what your container plants want. The mix that you choose should be fluffy and light, containing enough organic material that can hold nutrients and water.

It is better to invest in high quality organic potting soil and so you need to peruse the package before purchasing.

Compared to the in-ground counterparts, the plants in the container get heated or cooled quickly without the insulating earth around them. Thus, it is important to provide them the required temperature for their growth. Provide shade when it gets too hot and before it frosts, take your garden pots and planters inside.

Nutrients or Fertilizers
Nutrients or fertilizers are other important products that you need for your plants. Solutions such as worm teas, compost teas, fish emulsion are the best source of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous and other organic compounds and micronutrients that are essential for the growth of your plants.

If you do not want your plants to burn, you should ditch the synthetic fertilizers for the organic.

Considering these discussed points will help you to create a successful garden with proper growth of your container plants. If you’ve any queries regarding gardening, you can write to us and we’ll surely solve them.